I have been writing and blogging for many years. I always have an interest in words and how we communicate. As a trained writer I attempt to share my thoughts with people through different media such as play script, screenplays, blogs, short stories and novels. I believe we can all continuously improve ourselves by reaching out to other people's thoughts and learn aspects of the world that we don't know or understand. We are born with curiosity and it is up to us to whether we want to explore and be creative in the process. I hope you would enjoy my work here.

My Blogs

There are three blogs in this section:

My older Havenough blogs can be found at my old Havenough site or below

I also contribute and do stuff with the Gameolio gang. On my YouTube Channel I also live stream and post some of my Final Fantasy XIV gameplay videos.  I have also recorded parts of my Skyrim play through in my Skyrim Diaries below.

My older posts for this blog can be found on my old Blogspot site or below

My Book

If you are interested in ready my work further, I have self-published a book title The Unnecessarily Catalogued Fulltext Open Access Diary of an (Acting) Librarian. This is my first attempt at a full scale novel but I hope you might find it interesting. The books is currently available through Amazon.com.